
My dear friend Irina passed away early Saturday morning after a long illness.

This was not expected.  At all.

I have never lost anyone close to me outside of a grandparent.  I’ve never lost someone I loved so dearly and spent most every day with in one fashion or another.

I have truly never felt such pain & grief but I am trying to make sense of it all and that is going to take a very, very long time, if ever.

Every time I blogged she always hit me back with a comment or some love.  She was always there for all her friends and knowing she took the time to read and share something back is just one more thing I will miss for as long as I live.

Today I am proud to honor her

Irina was so much more than I can put into words.

Many knew Irina as a Master Gardener.  She loved her plants, dirt, garden, etc.

I knew Irina Stewart as a Master Gardener of friendships.

She cultivated many and planted us next to each other.

Even when we didn’t know it she knew we would bloom and be beautiful.

She groomed our roots to be supportive in a network of love and grace.

She made me a better person, friend, and in her honor I will push to be so much more just as she was.

Love each other.

TELL each other.

Friendships that you have with that best girl you talk to every day ~ TELL HER.

Don’t let any petty bullshit get in your way of love and living the way we should.

Supporting one another and being kind, loving, cheerleaders, and most of all the very best teammates in this amazing short life.  You are never guaranteed the next text, call, hug, or just saying I love you.

Expect me to hug you & love you and continue her passion of growing friendships.

With love & a broken, bereft heart,


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