Accept Play Grow

Larkin’s Place will be a multi-generational all-inclusive play & community center-open to all members of our community.


For without all the people in our community are we really a complete community?  A destination where everyone is welcomed and valued for the strengths they bring.  Where shoulders will be available when needed, as will “high fives” on the days we need to celebrate even the “smallest” accomplishment.  Larkin’s Place will be designed with input from children, parents, and community members. There will be six major components all using Universal Design Standards:




Spaces will incorporate all areas of a child’s development.  There will be areas for pretend play, arts, gross motor, fine motor, and sensory enrichment.  Designed so parents can choose to play with their child or just enjoy watching their child play while socializing with other parents. 



RECREATION AREA FOR PEOPLE AGES 13 TO 103 – this could include: 

  • A large art room
  • Aweight room specifically designed to support members with special needs
  • An area for games, homework, televisions, computers and computer games
  • A designated quiet area for reading, meditation, or alone time
  • A sensory room designed specifically for size and age group
  • Multipurpose rooms for classes, community meetings, birthday parties, support groups, and other programming etc.




It offers a visual solace, a connection to nature, and a sense of peace.  The spirit of the garden is growth and renewal, where one can feel connected instead of isolated. The garden becomes an outlet for siblings, a retreat for weary parents. Nature heals the heart and soul.  This is what the garden is all about – healing the parts of yourself that doctors can’t . The garden really gives hope because people see flowers bloom and others enjoying life.  It is a garden full of change and metaphor.










An important space in Larkin’s Place will be the café.  Food is our common denominator as it creates an easy place for friendships to develop.  The café will sell food for meetings, birthday parties and other events that are happening in the building, which will help Larkin’s Place to be sustainable.






 Structured programming could include Support and Networking Groups.  Respite Care.  Providing additional classroom support to unit 4 for special education (Alternative classroom site location) Training and educational opportunities for individuals with special needs (Site location for Developmental Service Center – DSC)   Site location for Child and Family Connections (Early Intervention Therapy for ages birth to 3)

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