I AM Larkin ~ a celebration of World Down syndrome Day

IMG_2932_MG_1113IMG_150435208_136333339722554_100000376673855_241151_3528499_n_MG_1096I am Larkin Murphy Armstrong

I am named after my great great grandfather Larkin Timothy Murphy

I am a little girl

I am 7 years old

I am loving

I am sweet

I am stubborn

I am patient

I am demanding

I am funny

I am smart

I am beautiful

I am empathetic

I am capable of learning, loving, and sharing both with you

I am in love with Elmo, Taylor Swift, and Super Why

I am curious

I am a self advocate

I am a swimmer

I am a member of my community

I am a classmate

I am included

I am a friend

I am a niece

I am a cousin

I am a sister

I am a grand-daughter

I am a daughter

I am an inspiration

I am loved

I am beloved

I am a messenger

I am a treasure

I am a child of God



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