Laughter, tears and love

harmed, closed off and in need

 learned to forgive myself and to heed His voice and command to grow with His love and guidance


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3 Responses to Laughter, tears and love

  1. rk says:

    Judgemental, legalistic, unforgiving.

    A heart for the unloved, able to forgive the most painful offense through HIS strength.

  2. Kathy says:

    Wow is right. I don’t have a new fresh side to my cardboard just yet, but I do believe I will soon. That video brought me to tears. My first side, like RK, is judgemental, but also uncaring, selfish, and hard hearted. God is working on me though.

  3. Janet says:

    Praying for Change and God to Bless us with the Boy we dreamed of…

    Remembering that God’s Timing is always Perfect..

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