Babies aren’t Band-Aids is a common saying used when people have a child to try and repair a relationship, fill a void, or for some other various selfish reason. Babies are hard work, no sleep, taxing on the body, and amazing gifts. I have known since I was a little girl that I wanted to be married and have a big family.
Fourteen is about to change his name to Fifteen and I so wish that I had pictures of his birth but disposal cameras and film were still the big tickets items (which cracks me up) so I don’t have any pictures of his hospital journey. When the twins were born back in November I specifically wanted pictures of it all so I could have a record to enjoy plus I have a feeling these two girls are going to enjoy watching the video I made over and over.
We photograph every important event in our lives; birthdays, prom, engagements, weddings, graduations, reunions, pictures are as important to me as breathing and praying and if I could bottle the time with my kids I would. I love their smell and mashing my face into theirs to absorb their sweet breath.
Babies aren’t Band-Aids. Larkin has been more like duct tape which is described as “hurricane tape” or “100 mph tape” since her entry into our lives brought the hurricane, tornado, insert your favorite storm here, and we had to learn to survive at 100 mph. I have written before that Larkin healed me when I didn’t even know I was sick. She brought my peripheral vision back into focus and I began to clearly see those who struggle or are marginalized by society. I lost my patience for people who complain about life when they have no true hardships, although I am realllly working on hiding the fact that it irritates me. I listen to parents yammer on about this and that and my eyes glaze over and roll with a giant thunk into the back of my head ~ it’s that THUNK that I need to be better about hiding. I’ll keep you posted on how that’s working out.
Larkin is my baby who is definitely a Band-Aid. She is the glue that keeps our family together because she reminds us of what is important as well as how grateful we should be for every easy breath we take. She healed my wounds, made me a better mother, friend, wife, and above all else a better human being. She brought me back to my center, family, faith, prayer, and God.
It dawned on me a few weeks ago that I had pictures of Larkin’s birth sitting in my computer. I had done nothing with them all these years ~ perhaps waiting for the time when I could do it without breaking, feeling like a bag of shattered glass, raw with emotions and worry. That time will never come.
Today I worked on a short video of our first daughter’s birth. She came into our world and shaped what we today know as beauty, acceptance, grace, redemption, and love. I share her with you our fragile emissary who teaches me something new every day.
She really is so wonderful.
Amy, what an awesome display of love. The pure joy on dad’s face was rightfully there.
She’s perfect. That was beautiful.
Wow! Brought tears to my face—and LOVED Andy’s loving looks. She has been a treasure.
Loved it. Thanks for sharing.
So beautiful,your first born daughter and the gifts she brought with her,magnificent as well?
Are we not so blessed and lucky?