There are days when I feel like I am getting it all right and moments when I wonder if I am suffocating.
It’s a beautiful day ~ truly one to be enjoyed via a walk or bike ride
Does anyone else get sore spots inside their nose that feel like a pimple and hurt like crazy but you can’t see anything
I often wonder about couples I see in restaurants who sit together and eat and never speak to each other
I am missing 2 of the little people for the babies toy bus and it’s bugging me to no end
I wish I could wear the outfits I see advertised but when I put them on it feels like I am trying so I go back to jeans and t-shirts
The days when I feel discouraged about Larkin’s health I remember that there are mothers out there who would give anything to be in my shoes
Fifteen made me cry yesterday. Some days he can be so sweet
He was in the front seat with me, waiting in a drive-thru, when he turned around to play funny faces with the girls.
All 3 were watching him but Brin was the most engaged and playing back.
He said “I love Brin”
long pause
“I wish I could have had this type of relationship with Larkin”
I choked out an order through tears
Cried as I paid
Sobbed as we sat waiting
Fifteen soothing me with words telling me it was ok.
It’s life as we know it and it’s a great one. Â Moments like that make me ache for what is lost and then I take a deep breath and start all over again
I gotta go find those 2 little people and put them back on the bus
15’s mouth may have come from his dad, but his heart came from you 🙂
I can’t believe Fifteen is 15. It’s like I’ve lost a couple years somewhere.
And yes on the sore in the nose thing. Weird. Annoying. Thankfully rare.
What a wonderful young man you have raised. Hope you find the kids on the bus.
yeh, i have days like that too…today had been a bad bad bad crying day…..
good luck finding those lil missing bus riders!
All we can do on some days is take that breath and begin again.Seems to be the story of my life lately.Sending you peace and blessing and good vibes on the little people … hate when that happens.