I never thought I would see the day

I have shared that Larkin is slowing learning to use modified sign language. She claps her hands for “more”, swipes her hand across her chest for “please”, and yesterday we clearly saw her sign “eat” by patting her mouth with her hand!!! We love her teachers and therapists so much already and yet when we see such a giant gain our hearts just feel like they will bust with joy, pride, and love. Here is a picture of our girl from our visit to see Andy’s parents in Florida a few weeks ago. The clarity in her eyes is AMAZING!!


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4 Responses to I never thought I would see the day

  1. Gorgeous picture and so happy for your family!

  2. Amy, I always think about Larkin and how u are doing. I keep up looking at this website everyday, u r such a great writer too. Keep it up! Glad Larkin is doing FANTASTIC 🙂
    Bring her to Clinton soon!

  3. April Novak-Borgsmiller says:

    I just cry tears of joy for u and LARKIN when I see this picture…….such amazing growth! BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!

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