The sweetness of siblings

Larkin is in a balanced calendar school so she started school at the end of July and has a 3- week break during the latter part of September and October.  I realized quickly that she wouldn’t have any therapies during this time, pools are closed, and I would have a little girl on my hands that would melt down from boredom if I didn’t do something for her.

Daddy is home with the dog and the girls and I flew down to Florida where the sun is shining for the most part and the zero entry pool at the club down the road is fairly empty save for us.

The twins are now 22 months and they constantly amaze us with how quickly they learn and their little personalities.  When people ask about them I often remark that Brin is going to run the world and Erin needs to marry well.

Brin is highly intuitive, observant, and her verbal skills knock my socks off.  Her eyes never stop watching, she understands and follows 3-4 step directions, and quickly problem solves anything that gets in her way.

Erin is shy and more in tune with her own little world and how you might fit into it if she likes you enough. Erin is quiet sneaky smart (the kind that sneaks an Ipod into bed) She is more cuddly and at times I feel if she could get back inside my belly she would.

Brin loves Illinois basketball and football games and actually pays attention to the game and cheerleaders.  Brin figured out quickly where the donut holes were at the last game and grinned like a monkey at me whenever she went to the basket to get another.

Erin likes the games too but hates the fireworks and prefers being held and cuddled at the games while she is given popcorn and snacks and told how pretty she is and how much I love her.

I traveled with the girls to Florida back in March of 2010 when the girls were infants and Andy asked me how I was going to seat the girls in the car for the trip to the airport.  I told him that I was going to put Brin next to Larkin “because I think she can take a punch” and I will explain this further.

Larkin doesn’t understand that if she grabs or pinches that she is hurting you she just wants your attention.  She also grabs toys and keeps moving and the twins being little didn’t understand at first .. they just knew something they had was grabbed and maybe not gently.

Brin figured out quickly to not get upset with Larkin.  Brin would simply look at her and then find something else to play with.  Larkin will often kick out her legs while she is in her adaptive stroller and it’s the twins that get the brunt of that.  Brin doesn’t flinch and just steps back.  Erin …. yeah not so much.  Now we have Erin screaming and running in protest whenever Larkin comes around even if nothing has happened.

Brin has shown more insight as time passes and I have often been between awe, tears, and joy watching the relationship growing between B & L.

The pool here is a zero entry so the twins have found courage in the water and Larkin is playing alongside them more than ever.  Brin especially is brave and ventures out to her neck and she will call out to Larkin and wave to her.  Brin will smile and reach for Larkin and isn’t afraid of Larkin grabbing her (although she should be) so I have to be extra vigilant in the water that Larkin doesn’t take Brin down …. but she hasn’t.

The other night while watching a movie Brin hugged Larkin and kissed her ~ and Larkin let her.  Grammie was passing out cookies and she gave one to Brin and asked her to give it to Larkin and Brin promptly did.  Grammie gave her another and asked her to give it to our sitter Alora and Brin popped into straight into her own mouth!  That is what you expect but when it comes to Larkin, Brin is different.

The last piece to the puzzle that came together for me was during our goodnight ritual.  I put Brin to bed with kisses and turn to Erin who requires me to kiss her and hold her tight and then rock her bootie while she settles down in her crib.  During the bootie rocking we do our “I love’s” and the list begins with;  I love Brinny, I love Erin, I love Chase, I love Larkin, I love Daddy, etc etc you get the point.  I wait for the girls after I sing the “I Love” to respond back.

Erin usually responds with a loud kissing smack sound.  Sometimes she can be bothered to say “I love” but it’s rare and it is usually only mommy she loves.

Brin.  That girl will only say “I love Larkin” the majority of the time no matter whose name is sung.  B is a daddy’s girl so I can get her there sometimes but Larkin is her love.  Brin knows that I am listening.

I share these tiny insights into these beautiful girls because both twins know I am listening with more than my ears.  I hear them with my heart.  I hear Erin needing me to hold her close in very different ways than the other 3.  I hear Larkin as naturally as I breath simply because she communicates without words.  I hear and feel Chase even though he doesn’t think I do.  I hear Brin … loud and clear I hear her.  She is an interesting girl and I can’t wait to see what happens next.

All my babies have their own path and will find their way.  Chase, Brin, and Erin are never ever going to be put in a position of taking care of or being responsible for Larkin unless that is what they want and choose to do.  I have been very clear with Chase since Larkin was born that he needs to find his own path and that Larkin is my job to worry about not his.  The twins will hear the same message ~ find your passion and your own life.

3 siblings who will be different in all ways but uniquely tied to a sister who teaches them and us every day what is truly important in this world.

Unconditional love.

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One Response to The sweetness of siblings

  1. Tara Wilson says:

    The relationship between your girls (all three of the) seems entertaining, to say the least. The relationship between B and L seems to be reversed rolls, like B is taking L under her wing. What a beautiful and special bond! It’s amazing how even at a young age children are able to be so loving and caring. I’m sure you had a lot to do with that!

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