Here is my latest late night TV critic:
Living Lohan: This show only reinforces my wish that being dumb caused pain and not more children. My God those people need a reality check and not a reality show.
Denise Richards It’s Complicated: The only thing complicated about this show is who in their right mind gave enough money and cameras to film this. She has a beautiful laugh but that only leads to her opening her mouth and that just shouldn’t happen. Duct tape is necessary or use ear plugs to keep your’s from bleeding.
Changing the channel back to watching City Council meetings. How sad is my life?
Ever watch “Keeping Up With The Kardashians”? The Stupid will BLOW YOUR MIND. It’s like watching a car wreck.
Glad to hear Larkin is on the mend. I’ve only just touched the edges of that kind of fear. I can’t imagine the reserves you must draw on to stay strong.
I’m heading East Thursday for two weeks, but when I get back I’d love to get together with you and lbotp.
Take good care.
I miss whatching council meeting in Champaign. 🙂